Sites & Projects

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS:  If you have photos to share, send them to [email protected]  THANKS!

Aging and Disability Resource Center

Raised Beds Project

Contact Kate Fix

Master Gardeners plan, maintain, and harvest raised beds of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. These adaptive beds are designed to be accessible for patrons with physical limitations. The produce is frequently used by the onsite restaurant, Grounded Cafe.

Brown County Central Library

Children’s Edible Garden

Contact Sherrill Revolinski

Located downtown, this project offers a hands-on learning environment that enhances food literacy. It serves as an outdoor classroom for library educational programs, with excess produce donated to patrons and local food pantries.

DePere Locks

De Pere Lock at Voyageur Park

Locktender’s Native Garden

Contact Claudia Schultz

Established in 2015, the gardens around the Locktender House feature native prairie plants and are recognized as an official Monarch Waystation by These gardens provide nectar and host plants for native pollinators, with plant guides available for over 75 species.

Heritage Hill State Park

Tank Garden

Contact Lynn Clark & Mae Inz

Tank Cottage, located in Heritage Hill State Historical Park, features a garden that replicates an 18th-century kitchen garden. It includes vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowering plants in raised beds, providing seasonal produce.

St. Mark Lutheran Church

Square Foot Gardens

Contact Mary Spranger

The community garden began in 2010 with a Sunday school class planting cabbage and peas. With the assistance of Master Gardeners, it has expanded into an acre-sized garden. This garden now produces several hundred pounds of produce for local food banks. 

Brown County STEM Greenhouse


Contact Al Nass

The STEM Center’s Greenhouse serves as an educational and plant propagation hub for Master Gardeners. It supports various programs, including the Annual Plant Sale, Community Gardens Program, STEM Family Day, and 4H Youth. Most activities occur from March through May.

Brown County STEM Mongin Garden

Bob Mongin Garden

Contact Bruce LaSota

Planted in 2020, the Bob Mongin Garden consists of 10 perennial beds and honors a distinguished Master Gardener. Located outside the Brown County Extension Office, it offers vibrant blooms, foliar interest, and pollinator habitats from early spring to late fall..


Square Foot Garden

Contact Sara Green

Master Gardeners assist with Howard’s YMCA Children’s Garden, where children engage weekly in planting and harvesting vegetables and flowers. The fresh produce is distributed to the YMCA and local food pantries.


Vegetable Garden

Contact Melissa Wass & Peggy Loritz

YMCA-East hosts programs where Master Gardeners mentor young gardeners. This garden also supports the Brown County Seed Library by growing plants to complete their full life cycle, ensuring seed production for future cultivation.

Flash Projects

Short Term Support

Contact:  Nancy Fictum

Flash projects are short-term initiatives lasting 1-2 seasons, involving garden design, planting, mentoring sponsors, and assisting with garden events.  Members volunteer for specific Flash Projects or serve as “On Call Flashers” to harmonize with other Master Gardener projects.